Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Politics could be a mess of fun

For some reason decided to schedule talking politics on Wednesday, which seemed like a good idea at the time. But I think need to clarify for myself that will see myself as a wannabe political columnist which means not pushing my own politics, but commenting on what's out there.

Like here's a little ditty I wrote a while back and tweeted:

And to me that is so political but great for a blog like this one. And it is exactly 140 characters. I like how you can space things out on Twitter.

Don't have to talk ideology, or policy specifics, just make some pointed generalizations.

Do wonder how many think it is about a specific person and think they know who it is. Please feel free to comment!

Oh yeah, need engagement for THIS blog in contrast to what people may see on my other blogs so must figure out how to get it.

Do you think money rules American politics? What motivates our politicians here?

Why are some of them so loud?

What should a politician be about?

If you like this direction will note I'm trying to draw READERS and if I get a lot of readers can make money through the usual ways you do that on blogs.

But first need to figure out what people want, and then let them know they can get it here. Wow, politics could be really hard though, wouldn't you think?

So easy to upset people. Sounds like a challenge!

James Harris

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