Thursday, August 27, 2015

Why Thursday is a natural go out night

To me one of the stranger things was waiting on Friday to go out. And granted you don't want to go crazy on Thursday night, but then again, it might be safer not to do it on Friday either. But that's the older me talking. Younger me often closed the bar. Not a good thing to do if next day is a work day! But going out on Thursday with reasonable behavior has benefits:

1. Lots of other people are waiting for Friday for some reason

Buck the trend and enjoy the trendy. That locale that may be impassable on Friday and Saturday may be comfortable on Thursday--where you may nod with a pleased smile at other smart people like yourself. Yes, you can actually see them instead of a mass glob of human bodies squeezed within the space.

2. Give yourself that time available

If you're not going to go wild, and may not drink at all, what's the harm? Hitting the town on Thursday can be more relaxed all around, and means you get ONE MORE NIGHT which can be great for your overall feeling of well-being.

3. Things can be more affordable

When the crowd comes, so comes the greater expense. Why go with the herd? And oh yeah, I'm focused on going out, but why not have friends over?

But don't have the wild bunch. No way you want to be pushing people out the door late at night begging to be allowed to go to bed for work the next day. That is so uncool.

4. Businesses are often SO happy to see you!

Yes, they are happy to see you on Friday, but Thursday is when you can build a quality relationship with a business as not so busy! Usually. You may find that cool place, which is often a fad of the moment, packed every night, but remarkably in my experience? Usually Thursday is a time of more freedom and joy as you and your crew bring much needed revenue. Maybe even meet the owner. Hang out with the staff. Start yourself on that wonderful path of becoming a regular which to me is one of the great signs that you know what you are doing.

And oh yeah, if you don't have to work on Friday anyway, you can even start Thursday morning! Though you are more likely then to see venues looking like:

So that's probably too early. And is a photo from in front of the Ferry Building in San Francisco. And have no clue if it was a Thursday. Will be using my own photographs as stock for this blog, which means you may see photos used elsewhere.

It is SO convenient to just use my own photos, as don't have to worry about licensing issues with my own things. And will be linking to my own content in various ways as well, like to my other blogs.

Goal isn't to use anything from anyone else unless get popular enough that contracts can get drawn up, and such. But nowhere near there yet. Banging out the foundations.

James Harris

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