Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Where interest lies

Why would anyone want to be in politics? As someone who likes to comment on it, I think about that question a LOT, and guessing at reasons for politicians is kind of fun. However, it seems key to me that something simple should be true. And I tweeted about it:

Are they dumb enough to just blurt it out though if in reality their own interests are what really matters to them? Won't every politician claim to be for others first?

Watching political candidates in the news I often wonder where their focus is. Search for clues. Of course opinions are all over and how can you really know? Beyond the talking points, carefully prepared statements, or attempts at pretending at not giving them, where does the truth lie?

Where is their focus really? And if that focus is on self, then you gotta wonder, what are they doing there?

Ego? Ambition? Delusion of their own worldview?

Guess that's what is supposed to be up to the voters to figure out.

Where is the good for the country?

It is an interesting question to me whether or not most Americans think that puzzling it out is important or take it for granted that people at the highest rungs of politics are only in it for themselves.

I know I don't.

And I fear that can be a problem with our television and movies which are works of fiction, where the truth is not as important as the entertainment value. But what if people believe that's the way it really is?

So yeah, in movies, or on television all kinds of craziness can rule. But there writers can just write away the consequences too. Make up rules, ignore legalities and skirt realities of law enforcement, all in the name of entertainment. Or how voters would actually react. Writers can make it work out a certain way which pleases a particular viewing audience.

In reality though, writers are just some more people, still just workers among millions in the nation with no more power than anyone else. And if something really big happens they're as likely to be befuddled as everyone else. But unlike others they may be studying to learn and write that into their pale reflections.

If throughout this nation's history its leaders had ever for the most part been only in it for themselves then this country would be in a bad state. It might not even still be here.

That's reality. No human writer good enough to come close to writing a script that can handle it.

Politicians come and go. It's the nation that must last.

The needs of any particular politician today can be very important to that person, and dominate a life. On the national stage such personal interest can capture the attention of millions.

But in time, those needs will disappear like those of every other throughout human history, and what will be left behind?

I find it hard to believe that a selfish focus on one person, in a reality where the needs of millions, and even billions must be considered, can lead to anything other than ephemera of the moment. Such a brief burst that it might be hardly thought of as real once it's gone.

That such an empty life would be even more transient than our worst entertainment, something people wish were just a bad movie that had been kept in the can.

That is, something that should never have been released to the viewing world.

James Harris

Monday, September 28, 2015

Considering that shift on Monday

That separation from the weekend, for those who have it off, into the working week, where for many it starts Monday, fascinates me. Maybe for most it seems too obvious a thing to consider the stark contrast. But then again is usually separated by a night of sleep.

However for those who have irresponsibly pushed the limits by staying up all night on Sunday, or been forced to do so for good reason--it can stare you right in the face.

Have done that before--though don't remember if it was for responsible or not reasons--and as you shower if you have time, brush your teeth, force yourself into your work attire, and get to the bus stop in time to ride your usual to work, it can be kind of eery.

People look just slightly different. It occurred to me how odd this thing that usually seemed so normal.

And on into work, and co-workers greetings like normal. Maybe even a bit of an affront if you realize they can't tell? Shouldn't I look tired? Worn-out? Or do I?

And get to work, and it just flows like before, or does it? Feels ok. Uh oh, but there's a mistake don't normally make. But caught it! So ok. It will be ok. Has to be, no choice.

Are you even really there or sound asleep dreaming you managed to get up to work anyway despite a wild night out when you should have just forced yourself HOME on time?

Uh oh, really at work? The question beings to really bother, though so silly. And so you pinch yourself as if you can't do that in a dream.

I mean, why can't you pinch yourself in a dream and STILL nonetheless be dreaming?

How does anybody know?

Has it really been tested? If so, how would you? Remember dreaming where you pinch yourself? And then later, you're like, oh hey! Was dreaming and pinched myself? So that doesn't work? Or it did, but then, it couldn't have. So maybe the key is you never think of doing it while dreaming? As if you did then it wouldn't really work, as then you'd be pinching yourself in your dream.

Who came up with this pinch yourself thing? Though will admit do not ever remember pinching myself in a dream. So how do I know it doesn't work?

Another mistake. Caught it. Catching them all, right? Stupid dream question, distraction. Must focus. Look at the clock. What? ONLY TEN MINUTES HAVE PASSED?

Yeah, been there, done that, no intentions of ever doing it again. Funny thinking about it though. Time can give you that gift. Back then, was just very stressful.

Will leap ahead to the end of such a Monday, when you're starting to drift when back on the bus. Stumble into your room, not bothering even to take off your clothes, and flop on the bed to go to blessed sleep.

Then oddly enough a sense of accomplishment, but still, don't do that, please.

If you DID stay up all night last night though, and are in the US, it's early going into Monday now! And good luck with the rest of of the day! You'll need it.

Happy Monday!

James Harris

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Upfront will work best am sure

Found myself reading something and was thinking to myself: this person better be getting paid to talk this much about this particular product. But I don't know. With me? If I talk a product on THIS blog, and only here, then yeah, I better be getting paid as those are the rules! I set them up. So without any endorsements, no mention of products or services. And even staying away from people, except myself. Can talk any of my own things, of course.

Things are going well. One month of postings down, and near closing to end of this month, and thinking about finally doing real promotion in October, and it's like, how? Will figure it out. And no, will not be buying ads or anything. I have a global readership through my non-commercial things--where again commercial to me is trying to build an audience as isn't that really usually to make money some kind of way?

Will not use my other three blogs, but there are places where can promote here, like already have tweeted out once, and also put a couple of posts on my public Facebook. Those are tests though.

The biggest shift here for me is having scheduled postings which represent a commitment to my readers: I will put up a post in a particular subject area on certain days. And also have certain times. So that gives me deadlines, and means I have to come up with ideas.

Reality though is you can want to do something, and just not quite have it in you to deliver, so the three months is a way for me, and others who are interested, to see if I can.

And will announce a two week break going into December, to process, and you need vacations. Of course have to get there. But with most of September done have learned a LOT more about what I can do. It's such a good feeling too. Yes, I can come up with ideas, and put up some writing which I think is decent. Of course what will really matter is if others agree.

And for my early readers--thank you for being here.

God willing will have the depths to keep getting the ideas. If not will put SOMETHING up anyway! Made a commitment. Am sticking to it.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Talking to myself and my anxiety

Who really is going to get on your case about looking both ways to cross the road? But hey, that's fear folks. That is the appropriate word that best describes the proper emotion when you are carefully crossing a street. And I feel no shame about it! My fear of getting run over brings me no shame. And God help you if you tell people that's wrong, as then there is something wrong with you. So why does fear get such a bad rap?

People talk about anxiety and do that as if is distinctive from fear, but then again they'll put in the "fear" word as if, so to a lot of people seems like they talk as if mean the same thing. But to me there can be more of a question of validity with anxiety, is it real?

These are the kinds of things that can occupy my mind but claiming NO expertise as a medical anything whatsoever. Not a mental health professional. Am some guy talking out something that intrigues me on my blog.

And if you're heading out tonight, which can be so much fun, what, if anything, will rule you? A lot of people want to be sure and claim that fear will not, but hey, don't go running into the road without looking! Think maybe they really mean anxiety. Or yeah, fear in certain contexts, like that other people are watching them.

To me it's kind of strange when people will be amazed at how confident I've been in some situations, where the feeling is, just being myself. Having fun. What else was I supposed to do?

But then again I have the benefit of supposing other people really aren't paying as much attention to me, as some other people seem to think people do to them.

Of course what if they are? Um, talking me here. They weren't. But I guess if they are for someone, then why is it that most of those folks seem to handle it rather well? Or I guess they do a great job at hiding the fear? So yeah think that's the right word there and NOT anxiety as then very real. It isn't inappropriate but can still be faced I'm sure. People do seem to do it, all over the world.

So to me THAT is anxiety? Fear for something not quite real?

Possibly we understand when fear is going to be about something real, like you look both ways when you cross the road, to avoid being hit by cars. You're afraid of being hit which is smart.

But if you "fear" that people won't like you, when they may not even for the most part realize you're there as you're part of a crowd, then by saying that to someone can you manufacture that fear? Just by telling it to yourself and even worse others?

Wondering from my amateur position as not a mental health professional, as it is interesting to me to consider those times I just shut-up that voice inside my head and just DID something where that worked out ok. Like a quick mental dismissal, saying, hey these people are having a great time, as I should be, and are not wasting their time worrying about me!

Glad that worked when it did, though one's memory can play tricks on you. No doubt. (So glad don't mention names as certain famous figure comes to mind. If you know who, isn't that amazing? How little it takes to trigger that recognition? If want more clues, um, not giving any.)

Can it be that simple? I don't know. I just know the kinds of things I do. And one is to just ask myself: is my fear in this situation a way to feel more important?

For me that's a great question. Sometimes I really gotta wonder about the attitude, you know? Is it really about trying to put myself on a pedestal where all these people care how I look and behave?

If the answer in my mind is, maybe, then I can talk that down. Like when was in SF, it was like, are you kidding me? These cool, hip San Francisco folks are not impressed. Let's just have fun!!!

Worked for me.

For anyone for whom anxiety is a problem thankfully society is moving beyond the stigma associated with getting help. And there are mental health professionals who can be of great benefit. Science does have its bright spots, and better diagnosis and treatment in our modern age for a variety of mental health concerns is one of them. Talking to the right person could be the best thing.

James Harris

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Our labels, what selves?

There is a natural human need to categorize and labels help us to do it. Like having a "Sugar" label on that container with, yup, the sugar. Yes, you could look into the container. Take some of the white substance out and taste it, to know what it is, but that label makes things quick and easy. Just read it and know, or think you know.

I don't think there is any doubt of the usefulness of labels with containers of sugar, and labels are there for so much in our lives. But what about those with regard to people?

Our politicians I'm sure must crave certain labels: brave, successful, leader, dignified

Just some I think are positive among many others.

And try to avoid others like: fake, disloyal, corrupt

Yes, so efficient in categorizing even people, even politicians, labels have an appeal and ease which makes their impact impossible to escape. And they can be so destructive too. So should emphasize am focused very narrowly here. Thinking about politicians. Am going to avoid digging too deeply into this subject!

Even before you meet a person for the first time those labels can determine so much of your behavior:

Rich person? Reporter? "Leader of the free world"?

Whether you believe them or not, put much stock in them or not, you will probably have to react to them, once given to you.

We can get so fixated on the labels with which we can try to categorize including with people. But the labels do not necessarily tell what is the most important reality. And can even be just wrong, like if some prankster has replaced the contents of that container for sugar. Or if someone accidentally put the label on the flour container.

It's worth remembering to focus scrutiny on the labels at times, to not just accept them. So a politician wishes to grab a particular positive label, does that make it true?

How do we know how to look behind the labels or when it is necessary?

As political season in the United States gets under way, I'm reminding myself to constantly keep checking labels attached to candidates

And there are definitely labels worth gaining, shifting to other areas beyond politics, being called "doctor" is supposed to be an indicator of expertise. And there one can see where there can be a problem with just the label, as how did the person get it really?

For a medical doctor, years of hard work in medical school are required, legally, and even more in training beyond is usually necessary. But what about someone who wishes the honor and tries to simply take it, with none of the above? Like some charlatan might counterfeit credentials and convince others. Such a person can be called the thing by misled people, but cannot perform at the level. And that can be a matter of life and death.

Which can maybe help in this regard, as a real doctor can be challenged on expertise and shine. And in fact that kind of challenge can be like rubbing brass to make it all shiny. Like if you're not sure the label on that container is correct, so then yes, you need to take some out and see that it IS sugar.

People with ability relish using it. People with real knowledge take it for granted that it is a tool at the ready in their daily lives.

Ultimately we will all probably find labels in life. Ready or not, others will put some on us. And while some must be fought against, or are divisive, others fit a social need. They're just so handy.

Labels are out there, whether we like it or not. Facing them has helped me through my life.

The complexities of the political process demand help in simplifying, so no doubt labels will continue to fly in American political campaigns. The real question for the careers of the politicians involved is, which ones will stick?

But regardless at times any should be challenged and tested. Make sure that person is more than just a label but is also the reality that should be behind it.

James Harris

Monday, September 21, 2015

Step it out

One of those ancient sayings I love is: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

And I've thought about it a lot, as it's forced upon anyone--any path we take depends first on taking that crucial first step. And for any success it had to be there.

Brings to mind for me an earlier skill a lot of people pick up old enough to really remember, which is learning to ride a bike. And distinctly remember my joy at getting a bicycle and my frustration that I couldn't immediately ride like the wind. Instead falling over was a reality check: learning required, practice necessary.

The necessity of practice with most activities that matter just cannot be escaped. And if something that can be understood as easily as riding a bike requires much, it makes sense that far more complicated activities require much as well. And in reality often much, much more.

Eventually got the hang of the bicycle, after more falls than seemed reasonable to me. And then could as far as I was concerned, ride like the wind. But to get there had to try.

Maybe it's harder to remember that necessity of just doing something, taking those initial steps to getting that thing done, when it's something you really wanted. Can seem like the joy was the point. We can gloss over the details and find our memory fades of the many little steps, and especially that first one.

Get on the bike. Pedal. Just do it. Fall over. Try again.

When you wish your life to move forward it is I think important to accept that you will need to DO something. And what needs to be done may be smaller than you think, but without it, nothing else happens.

One of those things I like to consciously do is find an area in my life where a positive change is wanted, figure out what that first step is, and then? Take it.

And to help, have instructions here and there for myself.

Monday's are great for new beginnings. Beginning this week I'm thinking about the steps to take in my life, and continuing on in those areas where so much has already been done.

Each step may seems small, but without taking a step? You're not going anywhere.

James Harris

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Building foundations is fun work

Thanks for the readers already! So glad you're here.

Liking this idea about it just being understood that if products or I guess services get mentioned that there would be compensation involved which means now, no such mentions!!! Keeps it simple I think.

Though I could slip, so I'll note that if any such occurred would also have it mentioned on the page for endorsements. So should emphasize that seeing a product or service mentioned does NOT prove am getting paid for that--in case I slip-up--as there would also be a note of it on the endorsements page.

Things now are the fun part, as there are things I know now I can do that I didn't know as hadn't tried. Of course not necessarily what a reader wants to hear, but I think things are upfront enough that readers are within their expectations which is my job--to always deliver up to or greater than my reader's expectations.

By creating a deliberately commercial space, for my writing, I'm using it to focus any such here. Elsewhere? Nope.

Pageviews still going up! So still moving forward. Tried out a little self-promo yesterday. But still not in full promotion yet. That is on my to-do list for some time in October.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clothing communicates, always

Walk out the door and more than likely you are wearing something, unless you are at a nudist colony. And whether we like it or not, clothing tells people things about us. LOTS of things, which may be why some people claim disdain for fashion.

Fashion will tell on you, like it or not.

Which makes clothing one of those important areas for understanding humanity. But even better, one of the best ways to express ourselves, and not even feel guilty about it.

Wish to talk to strangers? Don't worry, you do it everyday when you walk outside, unless you're in a commune, I guess. And no one is a stranger. Then of course you'd still be talking to your commune people.

Which begins to raise the question, how do we decide really?

When thinking about what to wear, what are you trying to say? And do you realize it, suffer through the necessity, or just do it without really thinking?

And so utilitarian that word "fashion". It's such a useful word. What's in fashion? What's your fashion? Rhymes with passion.

But maybe for some people there is a concern if you want people to look at you. As if there is something grand about wishing you could be invisible? Or maybe it's the idea of those people who supposedly demand attention. Like billboards on the sidewalks of life, flashing--look at me, look at me, you know you better look at me?

Reality while you may think some people are demanding attention that is probably rarely the case. Being well-dressed can communicate status, but it's also something I think most would do if they could. Most important thing is being comfortable in your put on extra layers of de facto skin.

We humans are so lucky! Our ancestors learned how to make more covering--so glad they were so smart--which is like a convenient second skin. Which lets us go all over the world, even the freezing Arctic. Which goes to the functional reality locked into our clothing as well that can even take some of us into space which is the ultimate expression of clothing utility.

Oh yeah, out there in space? No one is really looking at your clothes. But how do I really know? Possibly aliens are pondering the fashion tastes of our astronauts?

Imagine one day an alien approaches one of our surprised astronauts in space and asks--by telepathy as sound doesn't travel in space: Who are you wearing?

We wear clothes for many purposes, which also tells a lot about us.

So you walk into a hospital? Doctors like to look different from others, which is functional and about status. Those white coats of doctors tell you something. Reminds me of one of my favorite television characters who eschewed them. And will not name the show as have what I call a commercial blog here where I have given myself a rule not to mention certain things without some kind of monetary compensation. Which now, with no such deals, leads I think to some interestingly clean writing, with no product mentions.

For guys in this country talking fashion is traditionally strewn with difficulty though things are evening up as we get to a more equal world. Though I think many believe fashion is easy for guys. But that makes no sense! It's just as hard for men as women, and anyone in between.

Fashion is a great equalizer as guess what? It TELLS things about you. And yes I'm repeating, but that should be repeated. And why wouldn't any person not wish to express well?

So fashion is not a gender issue. No way it could have been really. As long as there have been clothes the people wearing them have been concerned about how they look in them, whatever they say on the subject.

But expressing yourself is one thing, but what about the wishes of your partner: what does that special person in your life wish to see?

Luckily for a lot of guys I think that's where we do maybe get it a bit easier as I'm sure, she will tell you.

But for a woman asking her guy I think there can be a bit more of a risk, as he for some bizarro reason may put her into some version of a male fantasy which if he thought it through he would realize he does NOT want other guys considering. And yeah dudes, we can tell, right? So it's like, you can almost count it out--so she listened to him and he has her in basic male fantasy #29. Tells you more about him than her.

And will admit not as sure about other variations like for women paired with women or men with men, or transgender and beyond. But I am sure things are just as interesting.

Closing out the week either today or tomorrow--for those who are finishing up with a more traditional work week--it's interesting to note that if you go out tonight you will EXPRESS YOURSELF.

Isn't that wonderful? Smile with me. Telling who you are is a great thing.

Believe it, it's true! Express you.

And I think going out on Thursday is a nice way to relax. Then you are expressing yourself not just with your fashion but your cool.

But if you must go to work tomorrow, please make it to work on time, and if you don't or are hopelessly hung-over despite my SAYING keep it in control?

Then don't you know to be careful about taking advice from the Internet?

And my commercial writing week is done. Am I supposed to note that? I'm sure I'll quit noting that but feel so good! Got a lot done. Always celebrate reaching your goals, no matter how big or small. Which yes, is more advice from the Internet. Oh well. I'm out.

Have a great weekend!

James Harris

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Women showing women

Having a human body is of course basic to being human. While depictions of that body seem to put one into a vast world of restrictions, confusion and control.

For some it's a religious issue. For others it's just something not discussed. For me it is an arena of endless fascination for many reasons. And while an artistic appreciation for the human form inspires my attention, will readily admit a tendency to focus on the female.

When it comes to depictions of women to me the gender differences seem to go in an odd direction, where males seem to behave as if certain female parts must be treated very differently than others, while in contrast women seem to be more accepting of all a woman's parts including a far more accepting view of female sexual equipment.

Which makes sense. Why wouldn't they?

But then again, why would there be a variation here?

Lots and lots of smoothed out art can be very confusing I'm sure, even for women.

With video it intrigues me when there is nudity involved and the camera does a peculiar dance, which makes certain that certain parts of a woman are either completely missed, or given a glancing view, or--a tease. In the opposite direction there can also be an ogling feel, or a shameful signal as the camera betrays what the operator, I think, feels.

It really can disrupt things to me as at best there is an artistic flow, which gets disrupted for me as the camera has to jump around this insistence that the natural is not.

But I've seen none of that happen in other situations where I was able determine was a woman behind the camera.

In those situations women were just matter-of-fact. They wouldn't ogle on certain parts, nor would they run from them, but would simply depict women as they are. And why wouldn't everyone?

What's with men who see female genitalia as nasty or depictions of them as demeaning? How do they get that view?

And as a guy will admit this subject has me more hesitant than normal, but why? And as attitudes shift and the female body is accepted as it is, I feel more of a relief.

It's like a weight has been lifted and for me that was for the most part done by women showing women. While men seemed to push the tease, or the ogle, push the idea of the forbidden, and push the idea that nudity in and of itself could be degrading for women, though not usually, for men.

For me the bodies of women were for the most part hidden.

And something simply being hidden does not necessarily make it nasty. With the modern web where depictions of the human body are not hard to find do not get that sense that there is something repulsive about the human form in and of itself. Which is great! After all, all us humans have one.

So where do some men get that sense of nasty? And why do they become camera operators?

Or do most men? Or do most camera operators who are men, but am I too focused on this one arena? Find my mind running in circles as it chases complexity I think is really not there.

And do women really make better camera operators when it comes to depictions of women? Or is an idea I find satisfies me?

Does remove any remaining guilt!

But that guilt is so silly. I wasn't born with it, but was taught it. Now I'm so glad to unlearn it!!!

Maybe as time goes forward and useless ideas fall to the side, swept away by the sheer level of content, gender of the person behind the camera won't matter. And if what I think I see is there, it will drift away with a new generation, brought up differently than I was.

And it's not a minor issue. Healthy body image depends on seeing the wide range of human variability, and learning to not only accept it, but be thankful for it.

Now that the human form is not in and of itself considered offensive under laws at least in this country, I'm almost wondering, is this issue really political?

And I think it is, as women fully gain their proper place in society as equals, which includes legal and economic issues, it's surprising to note that is still an ongoing process. It should have been finished by now. And part of maintaining older systems, including politically, was in pushing women off into a special status, where options were limited under the guise of protecting a woman's sensibilities and dignity.

Women themselves have been vocal in this area, with movements like Free The Nipple. And in fighting for the rights to breastfeed in public.

In an equal world it does make sense that we'd have equal bodies despite their differences.

And today greater equality is in respecting the inherent dignity of her and her body, and all its parts.

James Harris

Monday, September 14, 2015

When writing needs to be ON

There are those times when an idea grabs you, as found myself thinking about writer's block, a subject on which I've often been dismissive. How can one possibly find it hard to write? Words just flow. And usually for me they do, but then again I've never had such a schedule as I've given myself here, with constant set and known deadlines. Though am my own boss here, and editor, which is actually kind of harsh as I should give myself more leeway. And sometimes those editorial know I write those words for a reason, and to watch them just relentlessly tossed away....

The thoughts that can run through your head.

And it is comforting to know the world is starting up again, as Monday builds forward. But of course the world was also going LAST Monday while here in the US many could snooze that day without guiltily hitting the actual snooze button. Though have hit that thing anyway in the past on a holiday, only to quickly feel silly.

But then there is the joy of rolling over and pulling the covers back over your head.

For me in recent years the weekend came into focus in an odd way as across my various web efforts my readership is LESS on the weekends than during the week, which I'm sure has to do with a lot of what I have being useful to people.

So I can look at worldwide trends in terms of readers and see weekends, and holidays and other drop-offs visible to me as a pattern to ponder. Seeing the ebb and flow of activity around the globe dimly reflected, and it gives this fascinating feel for our world of human activity. And that shifted the way I looked at that time off, through the years. And eventually found I liked the work week more because it was more validating for me.

Actually I should be more concerned with that creativity thing. Maybe shouldn't joke about writer's block! As creativity does not actually work on demand. Coming up with a subject to discuss even within a known focus zone--like starting up the work week again--has to have lots of possibility or one would run through them all, quickly.

Which would lead to repetition. And saying the same thing over and over again. Which could get tedious very quickly, as you repeated...and am just filling space. The more I stress over the possibility the worse it gets! What would happen? What if I'm staring at the screen some morning when I'm supposed to have a post done by my own self-imposed schedule, and have NOTHING?

Will I just start babbling to myself...or just type endless words on the screen wondering where am I going with this thing...or freeze?

But I love whitespace. It's pretty. And when you fill it up with those words, the contrast with the black is so beautiful.

Of course could also throw in a picture. Will try that out just to see.

Western span of the Bay Bridge. Taken Dec. 4, 2008. Photo mine.

Oh well, who knows. Will cross that bridge when I come to it. Luckily have a great babble reflex when stressed, so am not really worried. But for now, isn't it wonderful that feeling of an entire week of accomplishment ahead? Sure is for me.

Think about it--soon enough you'll be contemplating the wonder of how much you got done in a week of accomplishment. Or at least that's typically what I do by Thursday.

With the week starting can once again look across my websites to see evidence of people using things.

Guess that's addicting. But I think it's a healthy addiction. Means you have useful information so it gets used. So in a way that is bragging rights! Having your work used more during the week than the weekend, or holidays.

So much in life is how you look at things. Finding the positive isn't even wrong. It's just smart, as the positives are so much about heading in the right direction.

Ever met anyone who wanted to go in the wrong one?

That sense of heading in the right direction is a lot more attractive, as it feels better. Heading the wrong way should feel wrong.

Writing week is in full gear for me. Switch is fully flipped to ON.

Time to get things done.

Let's all get it done.

It's a better direction.

James Harris

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hanging out and people changes

Somehow I fell off the relationship train. Sure I've had friends, but how close? But most of the real desert is with romantic relationships. Looking back in school I know what I was doing. I was reading--a LOT. Had this notion that someday I might be a writer, so you need to read bunches but also just loved to read, which was a way to escape.

It's also a way to miss out on all that early dating know-how others take for granted.

And all that sounds good! Very rational. But full reality was I was scared out of my mind. That feels so shameful to admit, so I should admit it--overwhelming dating anxiety.

If I could talk to my childhood self, would I have any advice? Nope. Was doing the right thing given the circumstances as was brought up by puritanical parents in a fundamentalist Christian religion. They were more interested in me knowing the Bible from cover to cover. There was no support for dating there. There was a lot of FEAR though. So no, didn't program myself to have terror in the dating arena.

Having parents not the slightest bit interested in you actually dating puts a person in a small percentile, where you decide. And I chose books.

But it turns out that hanging out is a skillset as well. And I mastered that one. Spent lots of times in nightclubs until moved on to bars. And feel quite comfortable with many things where others struggle, up until there is the actual RELATIONSHIP where I'm completely at a loss.

Getting older though changes things and maybe that's what I wish someone would have told my younger self! The casual hookup disappears for some reason. The begging from your comrades to please hang out with them disappears. And then it dawns on you one fateful day that you are now begging for someone to spend time with you! And there is no one.


Know so many people especially now with social media where you can connect with SO many people but who to trust who will be there to physically show up to hang out with you?

Lots of people in your social media circles but with how many can you just say, hey, let's go get a movie? Or try out this new restaurant? Or just hang out for a bit?

So that's part of the point of doing that relationship thing? Why maybe you should go through the pain of learning to actually date so that when you're over 40 and can no longer quite act like a twenty-year old you'll still have someone to hang out with you?

Why didn't anyone tell me this sooner?

Probably did. Actually I'm sure society fills you with such messages for its own needs, which does not make them wrong. But it does not make being single into you adulthood necessarily a horror either.

There are lots of things you can do alone. And I've heard there are more and more establishments which respect that as well. Haven't heard it discussed much recently but have read about it before so feel safe with that anyone.

So even if by yourself, going out can be so much fun.

You get to pick the movie. You pick the restaurant. Hmmm...and maybe make it that much harder later when these things are more democratic? Nah. We humans adjust well.

Have a great "full weekend", for those having one. With your full plate of friends, that special someone, or by yourself. Make it yours.

James Harris

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Paying athletes teaches what?

People can get all confused about money as if the only point in life is to make a lot of it, which is silly. What else can life teach us? When it comes to college I think also there can be a lot of swirling issues which people don't want to admit, so it helps to simplify. And when it comes to college athletics I think it's so simple, it's obvious.

College represents a continuation of a dependency, and is in many ways an extension of adolescence, where many can even find their rights of passage.

The continued dependency means that college students while usually legally adults are still expected to spend most of their time learning.

Adults don't get that kind of dependency, unless maybe sent back to school later, but most don't bother with such things. The point of being an adult is that childhood learning thing is done. Yes, you should learn things throughout your life but having learning be the focus of that life is a thing of childhood.

If you're not trying to learn more then why even bother going to college?

Oh, yeah, status? Just to jump through hoops until you can make the money?

If you do NOT believe in college and think it's just some kind of a joke, then yeah, you may take certain positions. But as an ideal the point is it is a place to continue learning where society still lets you be a bit under adult in many ways.

Meanwhile people who just go fully into adulthood can just get a job.

There are other school options besides college like technical school, but then again technical school is more like apprenticeship for a particular job.

While with college you still have future job options open, at least until you specialize later, perhaps by going to medical or law school. So college is about learning more to make those potentials possible.

Learning is the point of college.

And wow, college athletes can even learn more about their particular sport! And notice how different things can be if they just jump into the professional leagues without that learning phase.

But what about coaches who make a lot of money?

Well coaches are adults who are actually employees of the university!

If your only belief in life is: make money then you do not belong in college.

You're wasting your time and that of your fellow students and the faculty. Go get a freaking job already, and stay out of college. There is nothing for college to teach you.

The idea that learning is key to college to me handles the question of whether or not college athletes should be treated as employees by college or universities and be paid.

And the answer is, no.

But if there is an abuse of the system where they are being used as employees then that should be ended.

Why bother with giving young adults extra time to learn?

That is a great question and one society can involve itself in answering. But as long as college is meant to be a learning environment then we can NOT corrupt it by isolating one group as full adults, paid as employees, within that system.

If there are athletes being used as employees then stop that use.

If legal remedies are necessary then perhaps the US Congress must weigh in on the subject and potentially make it illegal to push college athletes in ways that make them de facto employees.

But if you want them to be employees? Then they're full adults and should be treated as such.

And their primary focus on learning has ended. And it's just time to work.

So if college athletes wish to be fully adult, treated as such, and paid as such, then they should lose ALL the rest, and put every aspect of childhood completely behind them--which means they need to stay out of college entirely.

If you want to learn, go to college. If you want to get paid, get a job.

Um, could that have just been the entire post? Of course not! Can't have an entire blog post that's just a couple of sentences, can I?

Comments appreciated! Trying to get the conversation started: Is it really that simple, or have I missed something? Are these athletes being exploited if the university makes MILLIONS while they just get things, like, scholarships, and to play, and classes, and not money things?

What about the students who would still get NOTHING if athletes got paid to play because they're NOT athletes? Or the programs that aren't BIG BUSINESS? Or athletes in sports that don't draw the huge crowds? Can't we just get away from money as motivation?

James Harris

Monday, September 7, 2015

What's with work?

Trying to figure out the meaning of work has involved much of my life. I was that kid in first grade who remembers for me what was the dreaded question which went round the circle--what do you want to be when you grow up?

Why put little kids under such pressure? That sensible shrug, of I don't know, does not get a good reaction. The other kids seemed so sure! Doctor. Firefighter. Policeman. They'd reel off occupations with a joy that raised my suspicions. Ok, raises them now, were they coached? Back then I just felt inadequate. I sensed something was wrong! I had no clue what I wanted to be when I grew up.

But how did they think they knew? Of course who knows where they actually went, but it amazed me they had a ready answer. That bugged me for years but I've finally concluded that six year old's maybe just say what is expected unless, like me.

I was always looking for the angle. Was NOT ready to commit myself that soon.

Now some 40 years later I'm still working on the problem though often the answer is, I wanna be a writer when I grow up!

And to me writing is NOT labor, though one could call it laborious to get out good copy, as I try my hand at talking professional. You have to write something, then you have to edit. And edit. And edit some more. And then you need to really buckle down and really edit. Otherwise you're just throwing something up. And people can tell.

We're growing as a human civilization though. While a lot of people all over the globe do in fact labor, technology and especially machinery can mean that for many others, work could actually be a pleasure, if they're allowed to see it that way.

But who sees work as a pleasure? Maybe someone putting up working writing on Labor Day?

I think it makes a point.

And I think there is a traditional view that work is something horrible that is forced on you, where the dream is to escape it. Which is kind of the point of Labor Day. When you can get that giddy feeling of goofing off, like you escaped for a bit. And maybe even got away with something? But it's actually ok, because the Powers that Be gave you the day.

Doesn't that kind of ruin the point though?

If they gave you the day, then doesn't it just kind of reinforce this weird power some entities have over our lives? To demand we show up in a certain place at certain times, and DO whatever it is that thing we're supposed to do, for a paycheck?

Or you can roll out of bed and write something. Of course then that getting paid thing is where you can run into trouble.

But what if work excites you? Invigorates you? Has you looking forward to Monday with excitement at once again getting things done with renewed energy now that waste called the weekend is finally behind you?

Then what do you do on holidays? I'd kind of drift. With a sense there was something odd in my reality. There was a certain feel of the surreal, as I would get up roughly the same time anyway. And feel kind of this sense of awkward when I realized usually on this day I'd be rushing through the door to catch the bus to be to work on time.

But then again, maybe I'd go back to bed and giggle to myself.

Yeah I liked those holidays as much as anyone else. I think it's part of our programming.

So maybe I didn't quite get it with those weird interview questions as a 6 years old, but I wised up to going with the flow. Like if I could whisper back to my younger self would say, just say fireman! You got time to figure out the real answer kid.

Wait a minute, is my adult self thinking I should tell my younger self to lie? What happened to me? That kid was brave, honest, and just told it real.

But you know? Thinking back am certain while I did fumble the first time with that question have a suspicion that as it kept being asked, fumbled out something like the other kids. Social pressure, you know? And you do get that one question a LOT when you're a little kid.

Yeah right. My kid self hadn't yet learned bad more mature habits such as the above. I had no clue about going with the flow. So I'd always just squirm with that one.

Like your first awkward interview question, for me at least. I never quite understood how giddy those other kids were. They were so happy with a question that gave me fits.

Now it does occur to me, what kind of a kid was I?

Hey, am proud of that little guy! Though it does occur to me that my life might have been easier if the answers to such question flowed a bit more easily. I still wonder how people answer them.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Commitment to December

Things are actually going ok. And I'm committed to keeping to my writing schedule through December 1st, as I'll give it a bit over three months for initial assessment. So started the clock at September 1st.


Update 11/30/15: Forgot about that sentence! And ended 11/26/15 on Thanksgiving Day. Which means was short one scheduled post which should have been today. My apologies. Just forgot I'd made that commitment and now feel bad about going short on it.  ___JSH


And to me what makes this thing commercial is the intent to build an audience. Which begs the question of what have I been doing with so much other writing, like with my three other blogs. And my answer is, um, whatever I felt like?

But if you are trying to give people some structure so that they can expect things from you then you should deliver. It's the right thing to do.

While to some extent pageviews don't matter this early on there is one way they do matter--must keep going up! As if just STOP then that means I have no readers here.

And they're still going up! So thank you those readers, and things should get a little more professional as the foundations I think are done. And next up? Engagement.

That scary word engagement. Need to work on getting feedback, like comments, or something.

Ok then, got a blog post do, tomorrow! Just a few quick things to toss out today.

James Harris

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Got things done.

By Thursday there should be a nice little mountain of accomplishment done through the week, and do feel good about my blogging work week. Seems natural to me for it to end today, but of course guess most folks on a traditional schedule will still be busy tomorrow. But isn't Friday nonetheless different anyway?

It's a great day to kind of assess how things went, and now is a chance for me to push Short Timeline Reachable Goals, or STRG's for short. (Don't worry no way to spend money here. Not pushing any products or books or anything. Just freely available writing.)

It's such a funny thing! A little while back was writing a comment in reply to a question about time management, which I posted, where I spontaneously said that short timeline reachable goals were key to proper time management. Then I'm like, that sounds cool, I should search on it.

And I got nothing with that search which shocked me. Now you get my content, if you do it in quotes. Try it, search: "short timeline reachable goals"

Now I've scattered it everywhere. But that's all community content, which is NOT commercially focused. Just me posting things because I feel like it. Seems kind of odd though, as I think usually it's "short term", where it's kind of the same but not really. I like the emphasis on time, with "timeline", as "term" is all over the place. Like to me an STRG will usually be done in a few hours at most or much less. But rarely is over a day.

There are other kinds of goals, of course than short timeline ones. But you might be surprised at how many get rapidly accomplished with little chunks of STRG's.

And yup, writing this post involves several. If you're reading it, they all got DONE.

With this post being the last of my commercial writing work week--where to me being commercial is building an audience--it's nice to be switching modes as heading out the work week.

Thursday is a natural go out night.

If you're going to hang out tonight I suggest that it is important to be responsible. And why not? It's actually harder to do silly things. Being chill is about just enough energy expended to have a good time. And if you're just starting to appreciate the gloriousness which going out on Thursday can be, then welcome to what I think is the full weekend.

The full weekend is Thursday night through Sunday morning in my opinion. Ah the joys of getting up on Sunday to head to a sports bar if you're on the West Coast.

And if you have to work tomorrow, take some time to assess goal accomplishment, and if you didn't make any? Might want to give yourself a goal of so doing next week.

And schedule time to do a little dance.

If that makes sense, then you read what I wrote! If not, then your choice.

And I'm heading towards the end line for commercial writing for the week. Writing work week over for me! Yeah! Writing can be SO exhausting. Seriously. It can be.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

James Harris

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Politicians blow money

If there's one area in politics where I am confident many people can agree it's that there is an extraordinary ability of American politicians to spend money.

Here's a tweet from a while back I made on the subject:

So convenient to see the date, which was May 24, 2013 which shows a great way to keep up with things which is with a tweet.  And think of all those tweets that people do! Thousands and thousands of them, and where do they go?

Well some of mine can have a home here. And that one I think should be framed.

It should be taught in schools! It should be...ranting on the subject may not help. But it definitely feels good to vent on this one! As politicians talk from both sides of their mouth on the subject of spending public money. And it IS remarkable that spending HUGE sums of money is so taken for granted in political circles here in the US, even when there is hand-waving in the direction of fiscal tightening.

What I believe is actually going on is one political faction tries to cut off the money flow for some other political faction while increasing its money, so it can spend it, and lots of it.

Trillions upon trillions of dollars of public funds get spent every year.

Think about it.

Oh yeah, let's not forget, that national debt is a real thing that is on every American citizen.

We're responsible for it as Americans, but look at what people get to have most of the fun spending it away.

James Harris