Thursday, September 3, 2015

Got things done.

By Thursday there should be a nice little mountain of accomplishment done through the week, and do feel good about my blogging work week. Seems natural to me for it to end today, but of course guess most folks on a traditional schedule will still be busy tomorrow. But isn't Friday nonetheless different anyway?

It's a great day to kind of assess how things went, and now is a chance for me to push Short Timeline Reachable Goals, or STRG's for short. (Don't worry no way to spend money here. Not pushing any products or books or anything. Just freely available writing.)

It's such a funny thing! A little while back was writing a comment in reply to a question about time management, which I posted, where I spontaneously said that short timeline reachable goals were key to proper time management. Then I'm like, that sounds cool, I should search on it.

And I got nothing with that search which shocked me. Now you get my content, if you do it in quotes. Try it, search: "short timeline reachable goals"

Now I've scattered it everywhere. But that's all community content, which is NOT commercially focused. Just me posting things because I feel like it. Seems kind of odd though, as I think usually it's "short term", where it's kind of the same but not really. I like the emphasis on time, with "timeline", as "term" is all over the place. Like to me an STRG will usually be done in a few hours at most or much less. But rarely is over a day.

There are other kinds of goals, of course than short timeline ones. But you might be surprised at how many get rapidly accomplished with little chunks of STRG's.

And yup, writing this post involves several. If you're reading it, they all got DONE.

With this post being the last of my commercial writing work week--where to me being commercial is building an audience--it's nice to be switching modes as heading out the work week.

Thursday is a natural go out night.

If you're going to hang out tonight I suggest that it is important to be responsible. And why not? It's actually harder to do silly things. Being chill is about just enough energy expended to have a good time. And if you're just starting to appreciate the gloriousness which going out on Thursday can be, then welcome to what I think is the full weekend.

The full weekend is Thursday night through Sunday morning in my opinion. Ah the joys of getting up on Sunday to head to a sports bar if you're on the West Coast.

And if you have to work tomorrow, take some time to assess goal accomplishment, and if you didn't make any? Might want to give yourself a goal of so doing next week.

And schedule time to do a little dance.

If that makes sense, then you read what I wrote! If not, then your choice.

And I'm heading towards the end line for commercial writing for the week. Writing work week over for me! Yeah! Writing can be SO exhausting. Seriously. It can be.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

James Harris

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