Monday, September 21, 2015

Step it out

One of those ancient sayings I love is: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

And I've thought about it a lot, as it's forced upon anyone--any path we take depends first on taking that crucial first step. And for any success it had to be there.

Brings to mind for me an earlier skill a lot of people pick up old enough to really remember, which is learning to ride a bike. And distinctly remember my joy at getting a bicycle and my frustration that I couldn't immediately ride like the wind. Instead falling over was a reality check: learning required, practice necessary.

The necessity of practice with most activities that matter just cannot be escaped. And if something that can be understood as easily as riding a bike requires much, it makes sense that far more complicated activities require much as well. And in reality often much, much more.

Eventually got the hang of the bicycle, after more falls than seemed reasonable to me. And then could as far as I was concerned, ride like the wind. But to get there had to try.

Maybe it's harder to remember that necessity of just doing something, taking those initial steps to getting that thing done, when it's something you really wanted. Can seem like the joy was the point. We can gloss over the details and find our memory fades of the many little steps, and especially that first one.

Get on the bike. Pedal. Just do it. Fall over. Try again.

When you wish your life to move forward it is I think important to accept that you will need to DO something. And what needs to be done may be smaller than you think, but without it, nothing else happens.

One of those things I like to consciously do is find an area in my life where a positive change is wanted, figure out what that first step is, and then? Take it.

And to help, have instructions here and there for myself.

Monday's are great for new beginnings. Beginning this week I'm thinking about the steps to take in my life, and continuing on in those areas where so much has already been done.

Each step may seems small, but without taking a step? You're not going anywhere.

James Harris

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