Monday, September 14, 2015

When writing needs to be ON

There are those times when an idea grabs you, as found myself thinking about writer's block, a subject on which I've often been dismissive. How can one possibly find it hard to write? Words just flow. And usually for me they do, but then again I've never had such a schedule as I've given myself here, with constant set and known deadlines. Though am my own boss here, and editor, which is actually kind of harsh as I should give myself more leeway. And sometimes those editorial know I write those words for a reason, and to watch them just relentlessly tossed away....

The thoughts that can run through your head.

And it is comforting to know the world is starting up again, as Monday builds forward. But of course the world was also going LAST Monday while here in the US many could snooze that day without guiltily hitting the actual snooze button. Though have hit that thing anyway in the past on a holiday, only to quickly feel silly.

But then there is the joy of rolling over and pulling the covers back over your head.

For me in recent years the weekend came into focus in an odd way as across my various web efforts my readership is LESS on the weekends than during the week, which I'm sure has to do with a lot of what I have being useful to people.

So I can look at worldwide trends in terms of readers and see weekends, and holidays and other drop-offs visible to me as a pattern to ponder. Seeing the ebb and flow of activity around the globe dimly reflected, and it gives this fascinating feel for our world of human activity. And that shifted the way I looked at that time off, through the years. And eventually found I liked the work week more because it was more validating for me.

Actually I should be more concerned with that creativity thing. Maybe shouldn't joke about writer's block! As creativity does not actually work on demand. Coming up with a subject to discuss even within a known focus zone--like starting up the work week again--has to have lots of possibility or one would run through them all, quickly.

Which would lead to repetition. And saying the same thing over and over again. Which could get tedious very quickly, as you repeated...and am just filling space. The more I stress over the possibility the worse it gets! What would happen? What if I'm staring at the screen some morning when I'm supposed to have a post done by my own self-imposed schedule, and have NOTHING?

Will I just start babbling to myself...or just type endless words on the screen wondering where am I going with this thing...or freeze?

But I love whitespace. It's pretty. And when you fill it up with those words, the contrast with the black is so beautiful.

Of course could also throw in a picture. Will try that out just to see.

Western span of the Bay Bridge. Taken Dec. 4, 2008. Photo mine.

Oh well, who knows. Will cross that bridge when I come to it. Luckily have a great babble reflex when stressed, so am not really worried. But for now, isn't it wonderful that feeling of an entire week of accomplishment ahead? Sure is for me.

Think about it--soon enough you'll be contemplating the wonder of how much you got done in a week of accomplishment. Or at least that's typically what I do by Thursday.

With the week starting can once again look across my websites to see evidence of people using things.

Guess that's addicting. But I think it's a healthy addiction. Means you have useful information so it gets used. So in a way that is bragging rights! Having your work used more during the week than the weekend, or holidays.

So much in life is how you look at things. Finding the positive isn't even wrong. It's just smart, as the positives are so much about heading in the right direction.

Ever met anyone who wanted to go in the wrong one?

That sense of heading in the right direction is a lot more attractive, as it feels better. Heading the wrong way should feel wrong.

Writing week is in full gear for me. Switch is fully flipped to ON.

Time to get things done.

Let's all get it done.

It's a better direction.

James Harris

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