Sunday, April 24, 2016

Building an audience is work

Started to write this post apologetic as my original concept for this blog was three scheduled posts per week, which I tried for three months and discovered was outside of my creative abilities. But am glad I tried. You need to push yourself.

And after has been a lot less posting where have pushed back a bit on working on building an audience here, which IS work. But another reason not to be apologetic is am also trying to figure out how best to measure how well a particular direction for this blog works.

And to maybe give too much information I think I had established 3 readers over those three months, which is not enough to commercially support anything. Glad for them! But yeah, need to find a better approach to build much, MUCH bigger.

However, will admit have a view that it takes about two years to establish a blog, where building the foundations is actually a lot of the fun.

My prior blogs were not commercially focused though, and still are not.

This one is still in that learning phase. And building the audience is the work that has to wait, as once you really have a big one? People don't care about or really want apologies if you can't deliver, I'm sure.

James Harris