Friday, September 9, 2016

More movement on discussion

For me discussion is where I want to get things going, and also have not done so much am thinking to encourage it, so will work there, and Friday is open, so here.

And will put up a tentative label as it is different when inviting something that includes others as it's not just about what I want or my creative direction.

What will say is that to me Friday is a great day to just say inviting some kind of discussion where will work to figure out how may go.

There are posts I think that can spark discussion like my opinion on whether or not athletes should get paid. Or talk about clothes, most people DO wear them. And yeah is interesting to me that my most popular post tries to explain registered Republican voters.

Oh yeah, blog is over a year old now! And yeah I did just notice. Ok in its second year focus is engagement. Not sure how to do it. Got three other blogs where relish the quiet. This blog can't be successful if it stays quiet. Am talking to myself now, and yeah.

So taking a step. Will see how this goes, ponder more and FOCUS. Discussion is fun! Can be fun. Gotta get to the talk. Ok.

Oh yeah so if you feel an intense urge to give a comment, please DO! Including comments on how I should do things to get, um, comments.

Yeah like that's going to work, expectations are NOT high. But trying things, and will figure it out. So no, won't depress me if no comments on this post. Will leave it up anyway as a record of initial efforts. Everything interesting is a process to figure out.


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