Friday, October 14, 2016

When quiet feels safer

Having readers to me is always good in and of itself, which it occurs to me is obvious. Clearly would want people reading the blog, but is still cool to state. And according to Blogger stats which are kind of a general kind of thing as don't catch everyone had visits to the blog from France, US and Netherlands from October 7th until October 14th which is today, in that order.

And no do not give numbers which are not impressive and it dawns on me, even if they were, should I? But reality with me with my blogs is I really look at countries anyway, as that's the one thing that almost always amazes me.

But other stats can be sort of strange to me, like low total visit number or I just wonder, like operating systems were Windows, Linux and Macintosh.

And yeah your web browser can give a lot of information, which is why these web stats can be so off, as more people choose not to give that info though I don't think that's really a huge big deal. What operating system? Is not a huge thing for your browser to blab, or your country.

Was not thinking in this direction for how this would go but am letting Friday be kind of free-wheeling and reminding that goal is getting to where others will be part of the discussion. And am studying lots of things in plenty of areas. Theoretically people could just comment, but that doesn't necessarily work well and I have a history where people haven't. I can do more about setting up an environment that encourages discussion am sure, and am working on it.

Will admit though this week? Don't mind not having it. Weighty topics being thrown around and while I took a very high road which was kind of abstract in talking equality, will admit it does's not a terrible thing to just get that quietly out.

Thanks for the readers with this blog still a work in progress. If you worry that lack of discussion SO far is not a good sign? Don't so worry. I know I don't.


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