Friday, December 9, 2016

Focusing on content reality

More into talking things out where today is designated for that with an interest in discussion as well, but expect more of that to come down the line. And for me was a really important thing when just looked over what content had produced here.

And when first starting, to me is a great reason to just start putting things up, with some kind of plan yes, but also more along the lines of, here is what I'd like to produce, as content. And see what happens.

Then later you can just study what you have and get more refined direction based on what you have shown you like to do.

Where the HUGE bonus there is to see if anything seemed to interest others, and here can rely on a variety of measures where now spend a lot of time thinking about most popular posts over various timescales. For this blog the most popular posts over last 365 days has worked well, I think.

But it's a functional reality. There is no static here. There is a constant assessment based on what people are doing relative to the content here.

One reason scheduled posts have paused to some extent is willful as forcing myself to shift more from what I love to do, to things need to learn to like more, like with this post and yeah, the commercial aspect.

There is a lot about perspective too. On the revenue generating aspect, my goal is to promote other content which is in line with the blog, and will be to readers a value added. I like that phrase--value added. That is, on top of what draws you to content here to read it--and thank you much!!!--there can be this other which is just more value.

And NOT pushy content trying to make you do anything.

To me the web is shifting us back to the value of good referral at a minimum and great referral at best. And people I think only want to give so many chances for you to get it right! Like that friend who wishes to be the movie recommendation person who has to accept that will not happen when disastrous recommendations have friends groaning.

Looking for great referral isn't easy. But I'd rather bide my time and get it right than mess things up especially now! Have to figure out what it'd look like and then find people who want to try it. Set up agreements and all of that. But how to measure success? Lots to figure out.

Now though is also so much fun. And figuring things out is what I do. After all, while I do like to write, also like to be read. And if I can bring in others who can add value on top, then why not?

Then it's the mythical, maybe overused phrase, but I don't think so, which I think is best to pursue, which is the win-win.

Aiming for the best possible and taking the time. To me is more fun that way.
