Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Doing things different here

Not someone who likes people pushing things on me, could never get into the idea of push to make money, but how do you do things differently? Well here on this blog is all about finding a way to be commercial without any of what have seen so much of my life elsewhere.

Focus to me is on best content first. With me lots is sharing some opinions much that I want to get out, where maybe others will find a good read. And my job is to work at that one, which is to build an audience which is what I think being commercial means--building an audience.

And the promotional side from me with posts is there on specific days, where Tuesday is main one. But also maybe Friday which is now focused on discussion.

There isn't a time pressure on the blog as to endlessly pushing out content as if not posting for some time is so wrong, so there can be long pauses. And on Sunday is an announcement ahead of a scheduled posting where those are on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.

How can it all work? Am working on that one. Blog keeps up with all my commercial endorsement things and currently have none! Will it work?

Time will tell. Blog has been on a heavy schedule of completion of framework, concept and establishing base audience within two years, which is how long I think it takes roughly to get a blog going. And nearly there as will hit two years near end of August.

Thanks for reading this bit of promotion for the blog and the concept. Doing things different. Yeah I think that is on point.

James Harris, Blog Owner

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