Sunday, August 27, 2017

Over two years

My belief is that it takes about two years to get a blog going, and reached that August 23rd which I know as just checked first blog post.

It has been so much fun so far, learned so much and am thankful to readers! Especially for patient readers who may have often wondered about so much.

What two years gives is time to get a format, find out if there are going to be some people interested, and get a sense of that audience, as well as figure out if effort is sustainable indefinitely.

My BIGGEST realization quickly was that a constant writing schedule where was posting 3 times per week was unsustainable. Just am not THAT creative, and found quality of the writing couldn't maintain. So shifted to a creative...what should I call it? A creative calls? Yeah, a creative calls schedule where would announce on Sunday, when a scheduled post would be coming.

That leaves open door for long gaps between posts, but decided is better to have quality posts I like than try to push out SOMETHING just because a certain amount of time had passed.

Focusing on the commercial side, there is now really one official promotional day which is Tuesday, with Friday an alternate possible one though also is a discussion day.

And blog foundations have been laid, structure is in place, and I think blog is ready to move forward.

Hardest part still? Working up the nerve to actually get others to promote here. Of course readers will know when that happens as will be some Tuesday, when there is a post where am not promoting my own things.

Thanks for the interest! Is a different way to do things. And who knows who it works for, as yeah those long pauses, but also do believe that others like me have lots of content provided all over, and here should just be one of many sources. And quality should matter more.

Wow, am I telling myself I think I have quality writing? Of course! If didn't believe was true, why would I try to start a commercial blog in the first place?

Ok, so blog is over two years old, and still here.


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