Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sharing my short, short story: The Balance

Sharing can be so powerful! Leverages interest of strangers--which is more likely to be objective. People can trust that more.

We will tend to try to share quality do think--if we think what we share, reflects on us! And how can it not?

With the web determining quality though? Can be too hard if you cannot get the thing, first. My feeling is let people figure it out. If they like something, great! If they don't ok.

And can be really hard to promote your own things, as people know your judgment is suspect there.

Still, readily like to share things of interest to me, including my own.

So here is a link to a Google Drive Public Doc of my short, short story: The Balance

It is short, short in that it is only two pages. And...well if explain too much, as IS so short, kind of messes up much. Is kind of dark though should note. Was in a bit of an apocalyptic mood when wrote it. Was quite some time ago. Think over a decade. You can read it, if you wish. You can download, if you wish. And PLEASE if you like it feel free to share, or not. Mainly just making it clear that sharing is ok.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Collecting World of Blurs concept posts

Found myself with a creative idea for a fictional world a few weeks ago, and worked out much on this blog. And realized would be a good idea to collect posts.

First post here was Tuesday promotional day -- World of Blurs: Kickstarter, maybe?

When was deciding. Then figured would do a stub of a potential short story around concept, which was Blurs one, which of course was posted on Saturday Creative.

And after got excited enough to actually complete the process to get a Kickstarter going, so edited that onto post at end. -- Blurs one: Learning on world of the blurs

And yes, went from Blurs to blurs where my guess is that Blurs will be where things go later, with the capitalization but for some reason as part of my early creative process am not usually capitalizing.

Then there were two more stubs for short stories --

Blurs two: Training of a cadet and Blurs three: World of friends

Which was enough work here. Plan being eventually to expand on the stubs into full short stories. And will need three more with current framework I have in mind, so also gives me confidence will be able to get that done. While letting others get a sense of things, without really giving away much. Just the outlines somewhat of a place out there, somewhere.

So have four concept posts, and did one promotional as well, which does not need to be here, just noting to myself to keep in one place all that was done.

Is exciting in ways did not realize would be which is good. This blog is supposed to be for commercial purposes so is a natural place for such creative attempts to begin. And like to think is a value added for those interested, where if not, well that is it for here anyway.

Update August 1: The Kickstarter failed which is ok. Am glad working on it gave me a push to lay enough foundations to incubate on. Where finally found myself re-reading today. These kinds of creative efforts can just take time to develop properly. Where who knows how long.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Blurs three: World of friends

Touching the slight bruise on his side again, J.C. resisted the urge to check out in the mirror. The four bots in cadet training with him, were excellent partners, who had a good touch--with the force just hard enough for you to realize you had been hit, during sparring rounds.

Still it was a reminder too that the training was not only to learn how to hurt if necessary, but to be able to protect himself. As if to be sure he never forgot that going to Earth had its risks.

He shrugged, though no one was around. Blerp had gone on vacation in the world of the blurs, and he'd watched in awe as usual as his friend simply seemed to disappear as he sped up to full speed. The wind blast was not so much lately, as if there was more consideration. And he was in his room alone. And now, J.C. realized, he was hungry. And just in time to catch his friends at their favorite eating spot.

Travel was always easy through their domain within their manufactured world. Further inside was also easy to forget the transparent outer walls which meant the blurs could always look at them, as zipped past. To the blurs, humans like himself simply looked still, and he had watched video from Blerp with fascination, at blurs considering him, while he was simply still, from their perspective, indefinitely.

Quickly stepping off the transport he walked through the copse of deciduous trees to the small building which was one of the many eateries scattered about. The doors opened for him as scanning the room he saw his friends in their typical corner. Having passed any number of people on his way, he'd barely registered the myriad nods and hello's here and there. On this world, everyone knew you. You got used to it.

Sliding into his seat with his back to the window, he was just about to tap the selection console, when a grunt had him look to his left side. "Can I take your order?"

"Oh, you're working here now? Ok yeah obviously you are. Um, how about a steak? Oh, and potatoes?"

His friends now noticed him fully and Topper asked, "Steak and potatoes, eh?" But was Mesher who, noted, "Have never seen you eat THAT in all the time have known you."

But was Annette who insightfully said, "Prepping for Earth? You DO know though that there they actually kill animals for such a meal though, right? Are you really prepared to try the real deal?"

And J.C. shrugged, this time in front of his audience. "Who knows, but may as well try here."

Topper nodded simply, and said, "Is brave of you to go to our planet of origins J.C. and mental preparedness will matter much."

"Oh goodness Topper. J.C. knows that and besides, it is a place full of humans. And NOT humans under constant observation of the blurs."

"Like they really care what we do," said Annette. "They just view us as still, like plants. We're just grown like a garden here. And is not like they interfere with us, with anything, much."

J.C. merely grunted. For most of their lives things had been simpler on their world. And certain rules enforced until they turned eighteen at almost the same time. And those had been mysteriously lifted, where he had asked and not yet received answer as to why. Immediately there were pairings, as awkward experimentation was into what had been simply learned about before. While he had for the most part held back, and unlike his friends at the table, had not yet had sex.

And there was an attraction to Annette somewhat, but he felt was more from her than him, while he struggled to understand his hesitancy, and also to wonder about the potential.

His steak arrived with a flourish. And looking to tap to request utensils, was surprised as they were handed to him quickly. "At your service J.C. as have got you covered."

They were encouraged to do various occupations, for a wage. The kind of learning that intrigued J.C. now more than ever. As he contemplated returning to Earth, had the blurs always had that in mind for them? If not, why so much training in ways that seemed more relevant there? Than here?


Finishing up this stub am relieved that will do it for here! But establishes that J.C. had been on a world of friends. But now that changes, as is revealed the blurs have kept them rather controlled in puzzling ways where one HUGE restriction has been lifted. Where of course was easier for me that the blurs considered age of eighteen important. But why of course is yet to be fully understood.

This stub was almost longer but realized had enough. Clearly his friends are aware that J.C. intends to leave, and he is wondering more and more about the details, as his cadet training continues. But why try a steak? And why is it his first? Full short story am sure would have the answer.

Oh and is interesting to me he is hesitantly considering certain things with new freedom and maturity, and Annette am sure plays an important role in decisions he makes. Is kind of wild to me in writing in this way how to handle certain things which would be there for the maturing adults.

Well that's it for here! Have stubs for three short stories where plan six, but future stubs not to be given here. Purpose is to outline the world of the blurs where after would be the first full book! When J.C. arrives on planet Earth, calmly announces himself to our world, and lands on the White House lawn. Lots to understand how all that happens.

James Harris

Friday, March 16, 2018

Improving communication reality

Am having more and more fun on the web, where realized is a lot because am learning along with I guess a lot of other people ways that are more about sharing and appreciating well shared content.

Which makes me feel good about direction here and no, site is not really commercial yet in terms of pulling in the money, but have a commitment to a process where will not turn into something against my values.

And actually is rather successful here in terms of having an audience, which is hard to measure, which is not my fault. For those who wonder, the Pinterest widget actually gives me my most useful stats! Where who knows why that is the case.

From Blogger stats 275 pageviews last month, while Pinterest analytics says over 12k visitors. So you can see the wacky data problem. Is HUGE difference between that dinky number of pageviews report and over twelve thousand people. And what can I do?

More and more am learning to rely on the bigger number though, which is important. And sharing so can see some of my struggles with the commercial part as need to know the correct number.

And having fun. There will still be scheduled posts! Where that is about creativity, and mood, where have explained will not just do one based on a sense of time forcing one. While also am thinking there is at least one more stub for my sci-fi idea should do. But will probably be it here at least.

So much going on. And door is open to sending me a message here or lots of other places. Or not.

Web at best is so much about YOUR choice rules.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Promoting some of my writing

The quality of products and services in our times is a wonderful benefit of a very developed world of commerce. Generally you just need the money and can find something great that can fulfill a desired need in a variety of areas.

On the web though? So much seems to be a work in progress in finding quality.

My view is that focus on letting people choose, with opportunity to check for quality is where the web lags. Where trouble is with so much informational content there can be a legitimate concern about payment if people simply have some intellectual thing.

Something so simply stated does have a solution I believe while today is a promotional day here, and will give an example which could benefit me, as promote some writing, where of course your choice rules.

Like wrote this short story years ago, which is free! And not asking for money, but would appreciate a read: Mandy at Vandy in the Nineties

That link goes to a publicly shared Google doc. Feel free to download, and if you like it, feel free to share! Which would actually help me greatly.

And is my attempt at writing a woman's perspective at my alma mater a little after I left, as graduated in the early 90's. Where was partly a creative exercise, so to me is not highly polished writing, but would like readers. And feedback would be cool as well.

Also am working on a science fiction concept where have a couple of posts already about it, where were on Saturday Creative days. Will develop into first a group of short stories, and later would like to write a book, when that fictional world of the blurs is fully developed. And figured that short story about Mandy at Vandy could at least show have completed something fictional.

If would like to be a part of that process here is the Kickstarter page: World of the blurs

(Editing 11/16/2019: Kickstarter failed and am processing how might continue with basic concept.)

So started talking quality determination on the web, and came to some promotional things, where the idea is not to push, but to maybe find interest. Easy enough to choose to not be interested as well.

Where you get something promotional--on a day on this blog designated for promotion.

James Harris

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blurs two: Training of a cadet

Staring at the mirror intently J.C. was wondering if he should be endlessly fascinated with the definition of his stomach. In good condition like everyone else, he did wonder at times at how the blurs managed it. His reading of humanity back on planet Earth indicated that the range of healthy was wider than maybe was allowed. More and more he was curious about what was allowed for him.

"Hasn't changed. You still have well-defined abs. So do I." said Blerp and lifted up his shirt quickly, and began stroking the, yup, well defined abdominal muscles of his blue body.

"Yeah but yours were MADE. Mine are through diet and exercise. I can't have some designers just give me the body I want."

"Hey, I WORK for these. We blue bots are more advanced than you want to admit. You're just JEALOUS because am stronger than you."

"Am not." "Are too." "Am not." "Want to arm wrestle then?" "No."

It was useless arguing with Blerp but also he found it relaxing, as he stared distractedly down on the straight black mop of hair. Blerp was little over half his size which was another puzzle. The companion blue bots HAD grown with them, since seemed so long ago, when suddenly they appeared, and the others....

"We need to get ready, " J.C. suddenly said, as tucking in his shirt with a purpose, he mentally prepared himself. The blurs had given him a ship! He had been told could return to Earth, but only, after training. But after so much schooling, why more training? Ok, sure needed to learn controls of the ship but was told would be special training to help him handle himself, with discipline, among Earth humans.

The instructions had puzzled him massively. And he would have asked to defer, but finally was told: Is for their protection J.C. for when you go among them. You will need discipline.

Soon walking through the corridors he hit the first mass movement station with minutes to spare. Zipped along at rapid speeds through well lit transport zones, he stepped off smartly. But he was alone.

As he was preparing to leave earlier Blerp had an odd expression as shook his head. "You're going alone on this one kid." And J.C. had been taken aback by the somber tone. And didn't even react to the kid jibe. Far as he knew he was actually 4 years older, but of course, Blerp could hyper-accelerate and had spent time with the blurs. On some level yeah, Blerp had lived much longer than he.

Stepping into a different zone than before he was guided by floor lights into a room, which was not big, but not small and there was a desk. And in front of the desk, one of the biggest blue bots he'd ever seen. With a buzzcut, and bristling muscles which he was bristling, J.C. realized as eyed him as he walked in.

"You're 20 seconds late cadet. Unacceptable."

And J.C. mumbled something as considered the situation. This discipline they had told him. Apparently this bot was to teach him. Along with special arms training, high tech space maneuvers, and how to manage a small squad. His training started here.


Writing the stub for Blurs two which like before has just a working title, decided to still emphasize more of the emotional tone while also introducing some of the high tech aspects.

These are kind of outlines for the series of short stories which would be much more in-depth and help me get a better sense of the world of the blurs.

So yes, they build J.C. a spaceship, and he is aware that he can leave to come back here and visit us on Earth--but is told must have training. And notice his training is not emphasized as for his protection though of course it must be, but for ours, which is also true.

Part of me wanted to keep going to talk his training a bit more, but then again, is better with the full short story. And am intrigued at using my own experience with Basic Training. It is a very defining experience. Am sure J.C. has no idea how much will change him.

Again will do a rough edit. May change a bit, but these are stubs which can also give others an idea of how the world of the blurs can be developed.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Blurs one: Learning on the world of blurs

They were walking somewhat quickly through a slightly wooded area, heading for the swing by the pond. Was a favorite area for JC, even though he was only four. Earlier playing with the other kids he'd been enjoying himself. But his guardian realized he had become distant, when a little dance had gone unnoticed by his peers.

She had quickly moved towards him, glancing knowingly at the other guardians. And asked, "Want to go to the pond JC? How about we take a little walk?" He had perked up immediately. Hopping and grabbing her hand. He didn't look to see if he was being watched by the others, as they began to move from the group in the playground.

Was barely mid-day and a sun moved upwards in the sky languidly. The stillness was broken here and there by light breezes which ruffled their clothes. After a while walking, JC looked at the hand holding his with sudden curiosity, looked up quickly and asked, "Why is your hand blue?"

His guardian smiled. She said, "Because I was made that way."

"By whom?" he asked. "Excellent JC, perfect English. And by the beings you call the blurs."

"The blurs made you? Did the blurs make me?" "No. You were born."

"Oh." He looked away as they continued walking. His guardian was somewhat relieved the questioning had stopped so quickly. They had been briefed that the human children would go through such a phase. Answers had been prepped but still, she felt uncomfortable.

They found his favorite swing. And began to rock, and as the swing began to sway back and forth, she got the question she had dreaded. He looked steadily at her, "But aren't you my mommy?"


The children were all exactly the same age. And was a way clearly to consider differential rates of development. The counsel for the children met regularly though was no rush. Often they would look at live video of the children within their space. And always they were simply still. Their movement too slow for the beings dedicated to their care to bother to recognize.

The children lived lives in seconds. The counsel members lived lives in milliseconds.

They were tasked with growing the children as best they could, which was not always easy.

The council president brought the meeting to order. "These notes are to be transcribed for their records." He intoned. Noting that the proceedings were to be recorded and put into English, with things brought to human reference to be understandable to those now growing, so distant in the future when would be adults, able to better understand.

"It is now clear that at this current age, many of the children are beginning to question. And some believe the guardians who have taken care of them to this point, are their parents."

"Yes, and is a concern, sir." Chief psychologist current order, spoke. "Eventually they will know the bots were built merely to take care of them. They are not even fully sentient! And are definitely not their parents."

"Certainly in time, but for now, isn't it healthy? And these children are barely sentient. At age four they are just gaining certain awareness. How harmful can it be?" Second officer defense said.

"Well truth is the concern. We must always be honest with them, and why not? And what developmental disorders might occur if they felt we lied about something so important." Daily activities planner put forth.

"Yes, the truth is important." Finally intoned the council president. "We must stick to precedent with the children, and continue when fully formed adults. It is our way."

"But with what harm?" Second officer asked quietly. "How do we tell these children the truth about their parents now?"

"We do NOT at this time." Chief psychologist would be the accepted authority and knew it. "We must separate them. And create new guardians closer to their form. These will grow with them? Possibly? Can research team advise...."

"Sure. Can make new bots, which can in some sense grow as needed. But how do we program?" Chief research scientist and engineer finally spoke.

"Mirror the children. They are showing distinctive characteristics. But not completely. Their blue companions will be much like them, but also more mature as we see fit. They will replace the full-sized guardians."

"As the chief psychologists has directed. Remove the guardian bots, while the children sleep. And design and replace with new blue bots. Complete design by next one hundred cycles which should be plenty of time. My successor will handle build and replacement, as so far into distant future." The council president when finished that statement ended the record for humans.


Well that's a good start as consider whether can write this world. Am STILL pondering doing a Kickstarter and yeah, is a question if can handle the fiction and whether people would want to know that story. Now feel like early short stories would elaborate that world.

Will put up a rough, and ponder. First isn't even a full short story. But maybe the outlines for the first one. Obviously would be traumatic for the children to lose their guardians. And an adjustment with the new bots, designed to mirror them. And why really did the AI's go that route? I DO wonder.

Writing these things is not really about deciding. You have to go with the flow of the story. Which keeps it exciting as well. The AI's are somewhat mysterious to me. They are doing things where am not sure why.

Update March 4: Decided to go forward with Kickstarter! Click here to consider.

Update August 1: Kickstarter failed but that may be for the best. Now in incubation mode.