Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Marketplaces and safe space

Have emphasized importance of right to a safe personal space, where being human is enough as more advanced society rejects exceptions, e.g. like for gender. And becoming more sensitive on the subject, I've paid more attention to marketplaces.

Going into some very large facility for a major corporation that sells products or services there are certain things do not expect, like random solicitations. 

You know, some person trying to SELL you something? Like say, a religion? Or give you their mixtape?

Oh, um that last one has thankfully died down for me and was never really crazy but in retrospect, was telling. Have had bursts, thankfully brief, of celebrity and your space gets invaded. (Get lots of free things too.)

But in general, well regulated marketplaces work hard to preserve your sense of a safe personal space if you are a decent customer i.e. like, you're not selling a religion to random strangers.

Talk marketplaces lots now and especially here as well regulated ones are where people prefer to buy things. And this blog is meant to be commercial. Where remind myself with the name. But am working still on figuring out the how.

And yeah, in well regulated marketplaces you can ponder having a sense of a safe personal space or notice very quickly if fades rapidly.

Consider, that store where you consistently do not feel safe? Would you keep shopping there?

Promotional Tuesday is when I promote on this blog. Today am promoting awareness in business context, of a safe personal space as a customer.