Sunday, August 28, 2016

Getting serious about commercial

Creativity can be lots of fun and made certain in my quest to make a blog that was commercially successful I would give myself lots of room to have fun, which is there with subjects can post on with scheduled posts. And I did a pool of those to see how hard that was to do, and test out concepts as well as show my writing style.

Now on to the commercial side as named this blog as I did partly to remind myself, maintain focus, and have it upfront, where transparency is SO important to me, so have a clear policy for if manage to get some kind of promotional things.

And like if you do some stranger a favor, which isn't some community thing, like if someone is dying of thirst give them water, but if just need a snack? Convenience stores have a business model on that one.

So like if I provide distribution of information to multiple countries for some entity then they should pay for it at this blog, as will exclude community things from this blog, as can for instance do public service announcements elsewhere.

Elsewhere I don't care. Happily talk all kinds of things without worrying about getting paid for it across so much social media. And don't get paid. Wouldn't as would take away the fun. Which is another reason to have a commercial blog where all that gets handled.

And readers should know as to me makes sense. But do wonder, did I put myself in a corner where can't talk anyone in my scheduled postings? Maybe. Kind of like it actually. Can talk subject areas for sure, and have noticed hasn't been necessary to talk individuals or actual companies.

So yeah still pondering. Looking to try more promotional postings for practice where Tuesday is the day for that, and noting to self am thinking of Friday as maybe a day to see about discussion.

Getting more into focusing on the commercial side will admit am wondering a bit if I do have enough leeway to make work. Well is fun figuring it out regardless.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Feeling good about format

For me so much is about figuring out a sustainable framework for this blog that can fulfill all my goals for it. And feel good about a format where, if announced on Sunday, have scheduled postings Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Where other days are more free, and since is supposed to be commercial decided Tuesday was designated promotional.

Have an idea that Friday should be focused on discussion, which is kind of next area have been thinking on more. Though it also is just a lot about numbers. If draw enough people here then yeah, there'd be comments.

And Sunday is more informative about the blog, and Saturday has been a rest day with nothing but really is a free day so that can change.

Gave myself enough subject areas to keep it interesting to me, and we'll see if draws enough interest from others.

There have been long pauses between postings which is about me figuring things out. Which is also why not doing active promotion for the blog.

But have been gratified by there being interest so far. Am really wanting something that doesn't fit prior molds and MOST importantly is not obnoxiously pushy, as I don't think that's necessary.

Am focused on the notion that can have a blog that makes money and is mostly fun anyway.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Conversation necessity

Different days have different focus on the blog and Tuesday is focused on promotion, where this Tuesday decided to focus on conversation. Gotta have it here as next phase.

Lots about focus up there. But yeah is true. Guess really want to emphasize.

Looking at what postings have been done, seems Monday seems more motivational and focused on the upcoming week:

Link to Monday ON day posts

While Wednesday has taken a very particular direction with politics, trying to stay out of the muck of too much current detail while talking generally:

Link to Political Wednesday posts

And Thursday has been more about celebrating the end of week or near end, so seems to be more in the direction of lifestyle:

Link to Thursday Out Night posts

Where those posts are labeled, so can just click on posts as well but for this one though I'd see about linking to the labels to focus attention.

The blog is meant to be completely transparent with regard to promotion which means that if a brand product or service is mentioned there should be some kind of a deal which frees me most of the time to not mention any! Can of course promote my own things freely. If some promotional deal does arrive once blog is fully up and going as still a work in progress then that is to be noted on the blog.

Looking to get the discussion going. Conversation? Is a necessity for success.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Thoughts on reachable goals

Getting going on Monday the feel of that start of the week for those starting their work week can so much be affected by goals to be accomplished over it. And if you're on summer vacation? Good for you! Still a good time to reflect on goal setting and to efficiently set some great ones to help enjoy your time best.

And I like to focus on short timeline reachable goals versus calling them short term ones, as on any given day may finish out 15 to 20 short timeline reachable goals, where yeah, to me? Making the bed is one. But of course there are more substantive ones, like getting a blog post up! Which actually involves about a dozen or so STRG's as I like to call them for short.

Which can help a bit with perspective I guess, as reading the words of a post, and considering that getting to the point where other humans see it besides myself will require quite a lot of goal setting and lots of goals reached! Which is fun. Can maybe let readers ponder how could possibly require that many, but will note of course have to write a post, but there is editing of the rough draft. And there are several edits. There is also scheduling and publishing. And with those things cover roughly six or so of the most important of the STRG's.

Notice though getting the post itself up so you can read is itself one short timeline reachable goal! Yet that involves lots of others as well.

Focusing on short timelines can help in a useful way as how do you know a goal is reachable, or is even a goal?

If you think you have a goal, and give yourself a short timeline and goal has not been reached, then you can assess. For instance let's say I have an STRG to tie my shoes if wearing ones with laces, of course. And that should have a very short timeline of less than a minute, and if I find I have not accomplished that goal, what happened? Well maybe the phone rang and rather than ignore, ran to get it, without tripping over laces of course, and that distraction is the result.

Notice then will probably go ahead and just tie my shoes before heading out the door.

However, if you find you are not reaching goals within the short timelines then the goal may NOT be reachable within that timeframe. Or you may NOT have a goal in actuality.

For instance if my goal were to have a popular blog by tonight? That's probably not reachable. It could happen, but is unlikely given proper expectations.

But if after years I found I hadn't done things to make this blog popular, when I think the goal is to be a commercial success, then that demonstrably wasn't my goal.

So yeah back to here! And I like that this blog being a commercial success is a stated goal but is not a short timeline one. But is it reachable? Time will tell.

I think it is. But figuring out how to get there is a lot of work.

But there will be SO many STRG's along the way. Where having short timeline reachable goals lets you check your goals very quickly or whether or not a goal is reachable very quickly.

So on the path to the bigger goal, I have a pile of demonstrated accomplishments represented in just this post itself. Where if it didn't get done then I could check at many levels, and notice that would also tell me LOTS about the progress towards the overall goal of success as well.

So check yourself with STRG's if you want a very fast way to see if you're doing proper goal setting. Notice get LOTS of practice if you're setting 15 to 20 per day. Get to that level? And you'll have goal setting down, including how to set real goals, determine proper timelines, and be confident they are reachable.

And then? Just get the goals done, as you reach accomplishment or enjoy your summer vacation that much more. And yeah, why not then do a power dance here and there celebrating the job of accomplishment? Maybe Friday?

Have a great week!

James Harris