Tuesday, February 27, 2018

World of Blurs: Kickstarter maybe?

Found myself with a concept for a new sci-fi universe, where artificial intelligences, commonly called AI's of course, have already evolved, but we missed it.

Was musing about how fast our computers are now in terms of clock-rates. For example a gigahertz is a billion cycles per second. And wondered, what if some AI's, say accidentally emerged and evolved and moved so rapidly we just didn't notice as they, figuring us out quickly decided NOT to interact?

And hitched a ride on something going into space, and from there slipped off to have their own lives but for some reason took some human eggs and sperm, which they used to grow humans, from their perspective because we move so slow. So to them? We are like trees are to us.

Which was the fun ideas were playing around with, and also wondered, what if one of those humans comes back to Earth? And is in an advanced spacecraft, speaks English, and lands on the White House lawn?

Which came out in a tweet-storm like to call it. Then had this concept, but what to do with it? And found myself finally actually working on a Kickstarter but no worries, not sharing here. Have not finished. So is not available to public. Am researching and also wondering: who would want to support and why? So this post is useful both to kind of promote and also as practice in a very controlled place, as is my blog.

The potential is immense though. Turns much of the concerns about AI's upside down. Allows humans with very advanced technology, struggling to understand their place in the world, who come back here to Earth, where we struggle to comprehend the situation. So no problems with having LOTS of advanced technology beyond ours now. And can do hard science relying on my physics degree. Actually the concept IS plausible. For all we know? It did happen--except for the return to Earth part, or could happen.

And STILL leaves the traditional AI concerns open. As am just talking about a maybe accidental first wave of AI's. Maybe created accidentally in some government lab, but of course others could arrive different ways, and be very different. Their interests are somewhat mysterious then. Not interested in controlling us, they just left. But still they took some human reproductive cells, so maybe do not look at us the way we would prefer.

Well post is getting kind of long! If actually complete, the Kickstarter would be funding a book. Though also would make a wiki and do some short stories, for backstory and to get a feel for the reality before writing the book. Where already have ideas for a trilogy, but maybe too ambitious as not even sure if can write the book. See what I mean? Could be so cool though.

That kind of sci-fi reality could have all the fun things typical, with hard science as well, with humans with advanced abilities, maybe, as what did the AI's do with them? In my view, they left them pristine, as are like, yup, plants. They just seeded and watched grow. However, in an AI reality, brought up by AI's, where even the interaction is difficult, they have enhanced abilities.

So promoting the concept. I like to call the world the humans grow up in with them, the world of the blurs. Will be researching Kickstarters and pondering if can pull it off! Of course if actually get money you know would definitely deliver SOMETHING, but want it great.

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