Friday, August 12, 2022

Discussing fiction concepts

Started quite a few things here trying to figure out how to make money on the web. And am still working on it YEARS later.

But I figured out huge entities were deliberately blocking progress of ENTIRE web, trying to prevent establishment of well regulated web marketplaces. Which I think is sad and tragic.

I have had time to figure these things out. Am sure many did not, who had viable intellectual products never given a chance.

But I do have time and am reviewing things I started, like story ideas about teenagers raised by AI's that I called Blurs.

Those posts remain popular! And yes, have let ideas percolate. 

Is such a cool concept: children growing up very distant from Earth but given educations that would allow them to return. Because they...well, was sperm cells and egg cells that were taken. AI's picked where that is rather creepy.

But they are of Earth. And I have to clean up the rules for the stories but have minor ideas, like slowing down the Blurs. I wrote them initially moving too fast I think now.

Is harder than I thought though. Figuring out how the children can still be ok, as I need them to be ok. When is not clear how their situation could possibly be ok. But also, they're well taken care of, and safer than here. Are much safer than here on Earth.

Each day has its area and today is a discussion day. Saturday is when would give fiction concepts.

So have discussed a few things with this post. And should admit was gratified that JC captured some attention. Glad people are still paying attention to anything here. Years are going by, while I figure things out.

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