Saturday, March 17, 2018

Blurs three: World of friends

Touching the slight bruise on his side again, J.C. resisted the urge to check out in the mirror. The four bots in cadet training with him, were excellent partners, who had a good touch--with the force just hard enough for you to realize you had been hit, during sparring rounds.

Still it was a reminder too that the training was not only to learn how to hurt if necessary, but to be able to protect himself. As if to be sure he never forgot that going to Earth had its risks.

He shrugged, though no one was around. Blerp had gone on vacation in the world of the blurs, and he'd watched in awe as usual as his friend simply seemed to disappear as he sped up to full speed. The wind blast was not so much lately, as if there was more consideration. And he was in his room alone. And now, J.C. realized, he was hungry. And just in time to catch his friends at their favorite eating spot.

Travel was always easy through their domain within their manufactured world. Further inside was also easy to forget the transparent outer walls which meant the blurs could always look at them, as zipped past. To the blurs, humans like himself simply looked still, and he had watched video from Blerp with fascination, at blurs considering him, while he was simply still, from their perspective, indefinitely.

Quickly stepping off the transport he walked through the copse of deciduous trees to the small building which was one of the many eateries scattered about. The doors opened for him as scanning the room he saw his friends in their typical corner. Having passed any number of people on his way, he'd barely registered the myriad nods and hello's here and there. On this world, everyone knew you. You got used to it.

Sliding into his seat with his back to the window, he was just about to tap the selection console, when a grunt had him look to his left side. "Can I take your order?"

"Oh, you're working here now? Ok yeah obviously you are. Um, how about a steak? Oh, and potatoes?"

His friends now noticed him fully and Topper asked, "Steak and potatoes, eh?" But was Mesher who, noted, "Have never seen you eat THAT in all the time have known you."

But was Annette who insightfully said, "Prepping for Earth? You DO know though that there they actually kill animals for such a meal though, right? Are you really prepared to try the real deal?"

And J.C. shrugged, this time in front of his audience. "Who knows, but may as well try here."

Topper nodded simply, and said, "Is brave of you to go to our planet of origins J.C. and mental preparedness will matter much."

"Oh goodness Topper. J.C. knows that and besides, it is a place full of humans. And NOT humans under constant observation of the blurs."

"Like they really care what we do," said Annette. "They just view us as still, like plants. We're just grown like a garden here. And is not like they interfere with us, with anything, much."

J.C. merely grunted. For most of their lives things had been simpler on their world. And certain rules enforced until they turned eighteen at almost the same time. And those had been mysteriously lifted, where he had asked and not yet received answer as to why. Immediately there were pairings, as awkward experimentation was into what had been simply learned about before. While he had for the most part held back, and unlike his friends at the table, had not yet had sex.

And there was an attraction to Annette somewhat, but he felt was more from her than him, while he struggled to understand his hesitancy, and also to wonder about the potential.

His steak arrived with a flourish. And looking to tap to request utensils, was surprised as they were handed to him quickly. "At your service J.C. as have got you covered."

They were encouraged to do various occupations, for a wage. The kind of learning that intrigued J.C. now more than ever. As he contemplated returning to Earth, had the blurs always had that in mind for them? If not, why so much training in ways that seemed more relevant there? Than here?


Finishing up this stub am relieved that will do it for here! But establishes that J.C. had been on a world of friends. But now that changes, as is revealed the blurs have kept them rather controlled in puzzling ways where one HUGE restriction has been lifted. Where of course was easier for me that the blurs considered age of eighteen important. But why of course is yet to be fully understood.

This stub was almost longer but realized had enough. Clearly his friends are aware that J.C. intends to leave, and he is wondering more and more about the details, as his cadet training continues. But why try a steak? And why is it his first? Full short story am sure would have the answer.

Oh and is interesting to me he is hesitantly considering certain things with new freedom and maturity, and Annette am sure plays an important role in decisions he makes. Is kind of wild to me in writing in this way how to handle certain things which would be there for the maturing adults.

Well that's it for here! Have stubs for three short stories where plan six, but future stubs not to be given here. Purpose is to outline the world of the blurs where after would be the first full book! When J.C. arrives on planet Earth, calmly announces himself to our world, and lands on the White House lawn. Lots to understand how all that happens.

James Harris

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