Tuesday, September 3, 2019

More on human equality

We have cool answers to questions human beings have pondered for at least centuries maybe longer in terms of appearance, and really in terms of human equality, lots thanks to genetic science.

For me it is an odd feeling as grew up in the Deep South, and as a black person had that feeling of lots wrong we will say, and yeah, wondering: am I truly equal?

Well science of genetics has revealed that key aspects of our appearance which many associate with race or also with ethnicity, are simply telling us, what the climate of our ancestors was--thousands of years ago.

Like to me a couple of the most remarkable indicators are long noses, meaning a dry climate, so air needs more effort to get moisture before going into the lungs, and epicanthal folds which indicate LOTS of sun glare, like off of ice and snow.

(And yes, people in our times can STILL be in those type climates, today.)

Our species has a remarkable adaptability to climate, but yeah over THOUSANDS of years so, looking at climate indicators from tens of thousands of years ago and actually am curious on the numbers. May have to correct later but usually my understanding is from about thirty thousand years ago. So look in the mirror, and get evidence of what your ancestors were facing from climate, long, LONG, ago.

And that's it. Tells you nothing more, as like, not surprisingly, key attributes of being human, like intelligence are kind of important regardless of your climate. So our equality as human beings is NOT in any way, related to our appearance.

False groupings have occurred for lots of wacky and wrong reasons. Like the United States was built with great ideals of human equality, but hey, slaves. So some just decided that there were subhumans, and to them, problem solved. Now we can dismiss and accept, yup, we're ALL humans, no subhumans around.

Ok, yeah, so is one of those fun areas for research. Check me on it. Read up on what science of genetics tells about what YOUR ancestors were doing WAY back. And maybe get some sense of wonder at how far our species has come, where climate is less of a power in THAT way, while of course is still massive in our lives. Especially now, ironically as we deal with climate change we have been creating, and can wonder what stunning impact that WILL have. And maybe tens of thousands of years from now, future humans will be pondering us in that regard.

So more on my Promotional Tuesday day, promoting greater understanding of how growing knowledge has helped us better appreciate our own human equality.

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