Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Question on direction

Of all the political questions that often get asked of the body politic the one that I like to see is: do you believe the country is moving in the right direction?

And of course the direction set is all about leadership.

Where are the people in charge leading us?

It's a great question to me as there isn't a lot of ways to go with the answer. Or many ways to distract from what it means when the majority takes a position.

As much as words like "leadership" and "leaders" are tossed around maybe it can get lost that we expect certain people to give a direction, behind which so many others will follow.

But then again in our world at times I wonder about people in positions of power where it is hard to take those labels seriously anyway. With it seeming to be more of just something you say by habit versus representing a clear actuality.

While there is a reality of a world with very rapid changes, and you gotta wonder, how would anyone know the right direction?

Which gets to the complexities of the reality of leadership, which is that people tend to know after the fact. A leader can point in a direction and a people can head off in that direction, but the value of the path will be seen over time.

And that's where it is actually very scary as it's built into the reality.

Yes, you can try to pick the best leaders. Give them the best support you have. But reality will tell over time.

How people feel about where their country is going is kind of like passengers on a train or bus looking out the window at times, guessing at progress to the destination.

And if it looks like the train is going backwards, who is going to like that?

Wherever we're going as a nation and in the bigger picture as a world, I think we can all agree that it should be towards better.

But who really knows exactly what "better" is? And who will set the best direction?

What we do know is that there will be people in certain positions, and others who will follow them. And time will give the answers.

Happy Veterans Day!

James Harris

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