Sunday, December 31, 2017

World in transition

Still 2017 where I live, more and more of the world is in 2018, as our planet spins, and a world is in transition. Thanks to the web that can be experienced all day long, as can watch people party and cheer as new year arrives, and web connects us so differently. So to me, web is so useful for ALL ways that we humans manage to connect with fluid information flow at distance.

For me so much has been learned this year, as pushing myself to try and get commercial, became more aware of how much needed to present myself in a way that made sense to others.

Have been on the web for quite some time, like can talk over two decades, and much over a decade ago, where money was something figured, would get, when figured it out. Until realized actually had to work at it. Yeah, so obvious but especially early with the web seemed that the attention could do that as was way had been taught it worked. Didn't work that way for me.

So had the attention by various measures, even though there was hard to puzzle. Like where were the VAST numbers if had so much global reach like by countries?

Now am more like, if you're going to have steady attention, or have money with bursts of celebrity? I'd rather have the steady attention, and figure the rest out. Now I watch with increasing fascination and understanding how HARD certain people work, for something comes and goes, so fast. They need to make as much money as they can, while they can, and invest wisely.

For me now, also transition is coming as forced to get the money thing going at least a little bit, as hard to make a living any other way. The web has so dominated my life, and now must also be finally a part of my livelihood.

In my life, attention is more naturally a part of it, after decades to understand. The web has evolved, and along with that evolution have been there, a global presence in my own right. Yet still am sure mysterious as to how and how much clue how many people. Guess the adventure expands, and will find out.

In not too many hours, 2018 will arrive here, and I like marking this current state of being in transition with part of a world there already, with a post, where conveniently was Sunday, so could fit with my blog structure. This blog must shift fully into promotion, am ordering myself and FINALLY am actually thinking about getting serious with promoting it.

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