Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clothing communicates, always

Walk out the door and more than likely you are wearing something, unless you are at a nudist colony. And whether we like it or not, clothing tells people things about us. LOTS of things, which may be why some people claim disdain for fashion.

Fashion will tell on you, like it or not.

Which makes clothing one of those important areas for understanding humanity. But even better, one of the best ways to express ourselves, and not even feel guilty about it.

Wish to talk to strangers? Don't worry, you do it everyday when you walk outside, unless you're in a commune, I guess. And no one is a stranger. Then of course you'd still be talking to your commune people.

Which begins to raise the question, how do we decide really?

When thinking about what to wear, what are you trying to say? And do you realize it, suffer through the necessity, or just do it without really thinking?

And so utilitarian that word "fashion". It's such a useful word. What's in fashion? What's your fashion? Rhymes with passion.

But maybe for some people there is a concern if you want people to look at you. As if there is something grand about wishing you could be invisible? Or maybe it's the idea of those people who supposedly demand attention. Like billboards on the sidewalks of life, flashing--look at me, look at me, you know you better look at me?

Reality while you may think some people are demanding attention that is probably rarely the case. Being well-dressed can communicate status, but it's also something I think most would do if they could. Most important thing is being comfortable in your put on extra layers of de facto skin.

We humans are so lucky! Our ancestors learned how to make more covering--so glad they were so smart--which is like a convenient second skin. Which lets us go all over the world, even the freezing Arctic. Which goes to the functional reality locked into our clothing as well that can even take some of us into space which is the ultimate expression of clothing utility.

Oh yeah, out there in space? No one is really looking at your clothes. But how do I really know? Possibly aliens are pondering the fashion tastes of our astronauts?

Imagine one day an alien approaches one of our surprised astronauts in space and asks--by telepathy as sound doesn't travel in space: Who are you wearing?

We wear clothes for many purposes, which also tells a lot about us.

So you walk into a hospital? Doctors like to look different from others, which is functional and about status. Those white coats of doctors tell you something. Reminds me of one of my favorite television characters who eschewed them. And will not name the show as have what I call a commercial blog here where I have given myself a rule not to mention certain things without some kind of monetary compensation. Which now, with no such deals, leads I think to some interestingly clean writing, with no product mentions.

For guys in this country talking fashion is traditionally strewn with difficulty though things are evening up as we get to a more equal world. Though I think many believe fashion is easy for guys. But that makes no sense! It's just as hard for men as women, and anyone in between.

Fashion is a great equalizer as guess what? It TELLS things about you. And yes I'm repeating, but that should be repeated. And why wouldn't any person not wish to express well?

So fashion is not a gender issue. No way it could have been really. As long as there have been clothes the people wearing them have been concerned about how they look in them, whatever they say on the subject.

But expressing yourself is one thing, but what about the wishes of your partner: what does that special person in your life wish to see?

Luckily for a lot of guys I think that's where we do maybe get it a bit easier as I'm sure, she will tell you.

But for a woman asking her guy I think there can be a bit more of a risk, as he for some bizarro reason may put her into some version of a male fantasy which if he thought it through he would realize he does NOT want other guys considering. And yeah dudes, we can tell, right? So it's like, you can almost count it out--so she listened to him and he has her in basic male fantasy #29. Tells you more about him than her.

And will admit not as sure about other variations like for women paired with women or men with men, or transgender and beyond. But I am sure things are just as interesting.

Closing out the week either today or tomorrow--for those who are finishing up with a more traditional work week--it's interesting to note that if you go out tonight you will EXPRESS YOURSELF.

Isn't that wonderful? Smile with me. Telling who you are is a great thing.

Believe it, it's true! Express you.

And I think going out on Thursday is a nice way to relax. Then you are expressing yourself not just with your fashion but your cool.

But if you must go to work tomorrow, please make it to work on time, and if you don't or are hopelessly hung-over despite my SAYING keep it in control?

Then don't you know to be careful about taking advice from the Internet?

And my commercial writing week is done. Am I supposed to note that? I'm sure I'll quit noting that but feel so good! Got a lot done. Always celebrate reaching your goals, no matter how big or small. Which yes, is more advice from the Internet. Oh well. I'm out.

Have a great weekend!

James Harris

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