Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What makes politics work

As valuable as perspective is, unfortunately people can get it on just how connected we all are, and how important it is for most of the time for most people to get along, when things get bad enough that no one will come to collect the garbage.

And I think I've seen that more happening elsewhere than here in the US, which is fine by me! Have a very clear understanding of how important all people are in the vast system that many may take for granted--unless they're holding their noses as they try to do things.

For most though politics is interesting where to me it's most boring: with conflict, arguing around differences, and focus on where people disagree.

That is such a tiny part of the political reality as if people were really so divided, yeah, routinely? You'd be trying to figure out how to do so many things you take for granted.

As human beings we're attracted to the excitement of drama. But it's best when mostly fiction, as when it's very real your life is going to get very uncomfortable, very quickly.

But that's why the nuts and bolts of politics seems behind the scenes to many as it's actually about where people agree. Politicians actually working are finding consensus and just getting things done.

Look into the reality of the people who got things done and it wasn't by being at each other's throats. Conflict tends to disintegrate things. Complex issues can't be figured out with people screaming at each other.

Too much emotion clouds judgement, and battles can build resentment.

For so many communities there can be a smoothness of their reality that people fail to notice. Which is great. How many people accept stability around them on the local level without thinking about how much it takes? How many people quietly just doing their jobs so that things just work?

Unless you have those instances when things DO fall apart, and it becomes very obvious. And even impossible to ignore, like when you're literally holding your nose.

At its best communities where things are going well can have people who can most of the time forget who their politicians are, until pushed upon them with elections. If they pay attention to the elections.

What makes politics work is when people are working together.

Which happens more than most may realize.

James Harris

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